Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The Gallery. Creatures

The Gallery: Week 16.

Rude Monkeys.
The theme for The Gallery over at Sticky Fingers this week is Creatures. I was going to dedicate this post to my two idiot Dogs, but they are such immense characters I think they deserve a post all to themselves at a later date. I was watching a David Attenborough DVD with the Little Prince earlier and he was completely mesmerised by the Monkeys. A light bulb flashed over my little head.
 As a child, I lived for a while in Gibraltar and one of my earliest memories is of the Monkeys that live on the Rock brazenly walking up to people and stealing anything that wasn't nailed down. I learned pretty soon how erm, Monkey babies are made too. Anyway, watching the film reminded me of how brilliant and funny they are. A few years ago, Mr Nudie and I went to Indonesia. We visited the 'Monkey Forest' in Bali and like a pair of kids we went round giggling at our Primate cousins performing every act in the Monkey Kama Sutra and taking pictures  of it all for prosperity.
 Seriously though, I do love Monkeys. They are fascinating creatures.



Bit blurry, there was a lot of motion, ahem......


  1. Looking through fingers and giggling...Monkey winky funny!

  2. Thank you! Cheered me up no end ! ;-)

  3. Lions and then monkeys beginning to think I got the theme wrong this week... LMAO!

  4. Ha ha great pictures! I visited the Rock a couple of years ago and the monkeys were being a bit rude then too!! They work well alongside my lion photos lol

  5. rude monkeys indeed, I remember last year when Maxi asked what the monkeys were doing

  6. Blimey the woman with the beard did well to pull or am I confused is that 2 men?!!!!!

  7. ROFL, excellent. What an 'educational' post :D

  8. Eeek! Shocked! My parents keep wandering through and I'm having to cover the screen!

  9. Snigger, quite a few rude one this week

  10. I love monkeys! They often do without any embarrassment what we would like to do. LOL


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